Wellmark International
Starbar Golden Malrin Fly Bait
Starbar Golden Malrin Fly Bait
Golden Malrin is for use as a scatter bait or with bait stations. Muscamone attractant encourages both male and female flies to remain in treated areas. Can be used only around the outside of feedlots, broiler houses, canneries, meat, poultry and other food processing plants. Blue color.
Contains 1% methomyl.
This pesticide is toxic to birds, fish, aquatic invertebrates and mammals. Collect, cover or incorporate any piles of granules spilled on the soil surface. Do not apply directly to water or to areas where surface water is present. Not to be used inside or around homes, or any other place where children or pets are likely to be present. Do not apply where poultry or other animals, especially dogs and young calves, can pick it up or lick it. Do not allow food producing animals or pets to have access to treated areas.
Size: 10 lbs