Shipping Policy

  • Free shipping on most orders over $150. Items such as 2.5 litter bottle or heavier, 2.5 gallon or heavier, coolers, roping dummies/sleds, and 12 pounds or heavier supplements do not qualify for free shipping. 
  • Vaccine orders under $150 will be shipped flat rate $30. Orders over $200 will qualify for free shipping.
  • For Alaska, Hawaii, and International orders please contact by phone or email. An invoice will be sent with accurate shipping costs.
  • Orders may take 3-5 business days before they shipped out. Some products may not be available even if saying in stock. We will contact you if you ordered something that isn't in stock. 
  • Orders will be shipped USPS Priority or UPS Ground
  • Currently we do not ship hazardous items such as dewormer pour on or any aerosol cans. These items are local pickup only. 
  • Cold shipped items such as vaccines will only be shipped out on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays to allow enough time that they arrive before the weekend. Please have order placed by Tuesday for Wednesday pickup.