Jorgensen Laboratories
Jorvet Enema/Oral Calf Feeder Bag
Jorvet Enema/Oral Calf Feeder Bag
The enema/oral calf feeder bag was originally developed for enemas on larger patients. It has also found use as an oral calf feeder. Plus, it is less expensive. Short rigid end probe helps ease passage. Round probe end with side port helps prevent occlusion. With a short rigid end probe to help ease passage, it has a round probe end with side port, which helps prevent occlusion. Can hold 3,000 mls. Do not administer oral fluids to animals that are in shock or are comatose. Disinfect and clean between uses. Once the product is used for an enema, discontinue its use as an oral feeder.
For oral feeding: Grip the calf’s head and insert the tube using the right hand. Slowly push to the back of the throat and allow the animal to swallow the tube. Insert a few more inches and allow the fluid to flow. Do not administer too quickly to prevent regurgitation. Slowly remove when all the fluids are gone.
For enemas: Lubricate the tip of the probe and insert a few inches into the rectum. Administer enema fluids. The animal should defecate a few minutes after the fluid has been given.