Dr. Naylor
Dr. Naylor Dehorning Paste
Dr. Naylor Dehorning Paste
Dr. Naylors Dehorning Paste is a topical paste application that prevents horn growth in animals. Contains Calcium Hydroxide 37.8% and Sodium Hydroxide 24.9%. Apply one application to horn button of calves, sheep or goats. Active ingredients: sodium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide. View Manufacturer and/or Label Information: Dr. Naylor® Dehorning Paste. Quick, economical choice for dehorning livestock. One application on horn button before calf is 2 months old. No cutting or bleeding. Also, for use on sheep & goats. Contains calcium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide.
Directions: Clip off the hair over and around the horn button. With a wood applicator, apply the paste to a spot the size of a quarter once only. Best to apply as soon as the horn button can be felt – when the calf or kid is 3 to 7 days old. Keep the animal tied away from others and out of the rain for at least 6 hours.
Dehorning Older Calves: To dehorn older calves that are 6 to 8 weeks of age, where the horn button has started to grow, remove the hair and roughen a ring approximately one-quarter (1/4) inch wide around the base of the horn where it joins the skin with a small scraper or file (do not draw blood). Apply a thin film of paste over the horn button and over the roughened ring around the horn button. Apply once only. Be particular to apply a thin even coating and only as directed. The reason it is advisable to remove the hair over the horn button before applying the paste is that it is then easier to see that the application is in the right place and in direct contact with the skin. To further contain the Dehorning Paste, form a ring of udder balm or petroleum jelly around the horn button prior to application.
Size: 4 oz
Manufacturer and/or Label Information
Manufacturer and/or Label Information