Dextrose 50% Solution
Dextrose 50% Solution
Dextrose 50% is for use as an aid in the treatment of acetonemia (Ketosis) in cattle. Terminally Sterilized to provide a greater degree of sterilization. For intravenous administration only.
Cattle: 100 to 500 mL depending on size and condition. Treatment may be repeated in several hours or on successive days as needed.
Indications: Dextrose 50% is indicated for the treatment of uncomplicated ketosis in cattle.
Approved For Use On: Beef Cattle and Dairy Cattle.
Active Ingredient: Each 100 ml contains: Dextrose.................................................... 50 gms.
Dosage and Administration: For intravenous administration only. Cattle: 100 to 500 mL depending on size and condition. Treatment may be repeated in several hours or on successive days as needed.
Cautions: Intravenous administration must be done slowly and made under stric asepsis. Solution should be warmed to body temperature prior to administration. This is a single dose container. This product contains no preservative. After a quantity has been withdrawn for injection, the remainder should be discarded. Do not administer intraperitoneally
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